Architect Salary in Singapore 2024

Looking for information about Architect job salaries in Singapore? Read this article to learn more about the average salary for Architects in your area. Discover the factors that may impact salary, such as experience, education, and industry. Gain insights into the highest-paying cities and sectors for Architects. Stay informed about the current salary trends and find out how to negotiate a competitive salary as an Architect in Singapore.

What is the average Architect salary in Singapore in 2024?

Average Architect yearly salary
(USD 8,600 monthly)
Low 87,400 USD
Average 102,800 USD
High 118,300 USD
On average, employees in Singapore earn about USD 102,800 per year. The salary range varies between USD 87,400 (lowest average) and USD 118,300 (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This figure represents the average salary inclusive of perks like housing, transportation, etc. The salary spectrum greatly differs across different professions. If you are curious about the salary of a particular job, kindly refer to the specific job title salaries below.

Architect Pay Scale and Salaries in Singapore

Pay Scale Comparison and Salary Structure

In Singapore, nearly everyone working as a Architect earns less than USD 269,300. Approximately 75% of Architects in Singapore earn USD 84,400 or less. Half of the employees in Singapore who work as Architects earn less than USD 59,100, while the remaining 25% of Architects in Singapore earn less than USD 44,300.Download chartGet chart linkShare on FacebookShare on Twitter

Salary Structure

In Singapore, nearly everyone working as a Architect earns less than USD 269,300. Approximately 75% of Architects in Singapore earn USD 84,400 or less. Half of the employees in Singapore who work as Architects earn less than USD 59,100, while the remaining 25% of Architects in Singapore earn less than USD 44,300.

Minimum Wage and Starting Salary

Minimum Wage and Starting Salary, specific to Architect, refers to the fundamental pay levels for entry-level positions in this field. It encompasses the legally mandated minimum wage and the initial compensation offered to new hires in Architect, impacting job seekers and employers alike. Understanding these figures is crucial for ensuring fair labor practices and successful career beginnings. In Singapore, the minimum salary for Architect is USD 87,400.

Median Salary

Median Salary represents the middle point of all salaries in a dataset, with half of the values above and half below it. In Singapore, the median salary is USD 81,300. It provides a more balanced view of income distribution, making it less sensitive to extreme values, and is commonly used to gauge average earnings in various professions and industries.

Salary range and Percentile

Salary Range refers to the span between the lowest and highest salaries in a given dataset, indicating the scope of potential earnings. Percentile, on the other hand, represents a specific point in the range, showing how a salary compares to others in the dataset, making it useful for benchmarking pay levels. In Singapore, the salary for the position of Architect ranges between USD 87,400 and USD 118,300.